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Ski Towns Facing Housing Regulations & Housing Shortages

FrontDesk Mngt Lays off all 200 Workers (TechCrunch, Jan 2, 2024)

STR Loans

What is a DSCR Loan?

DSCR loans are commercial loans but they are for residential investment property. Your personal finances do not play a large role in the loan qualification process.
DSCR loans considers property revenue compared to expected expenses such as principle, interest, taxes & insurance (PITI).
There's always a prepayment penalty within the first 3 to 5 years, so if you want to refinance soon these loans can can be a bad option for you.
There is a prepayment penalty because these mortgages are sold to bond investors.

How is a DSCR loan calculated?
Gross rent(income) divided by (PITI + HOA fees).

A ratio over 1 means the property is expected to cover all of its expenses.
Low ratios equal higher principle on your loan.
Some lenders will lend on ratios as low as .75
These are non-qualified mortgages (non -QM).

The higher the ratio the lower the risk to the lender.
High credit scores matter so your down payment and great credit score will allow your lender to go below 1.0
Blanket loans are portfolio loans.
Mostly 10 year balloon payments (loan payoffs) are expected, sometimes 30 years.
Smaller portfolio's can get longer terms.

Contact me for a list of amazing STR lenders!

These companies support the industry with various services

Host GPO allows owners and managers to join others and buy furniture etc in bulk.

STR Service Providers

An all-in-one marketing and CRM platform for your rentals.

Waivo offers damage protection insurance for STRs.

Vacation Rental Consultant

Short Term Rental Realtor

Vacation rentals [AKA Airbnbs or Short term rentals ("STRs)] can be a fun way to make serious money, if you buy wisely and have great marketing and management.

Very few Realtors in Nashville have experience managing over 20 Airbnbs. I know what works, and what doesn't. I help investors avoid bad investments.

I have a passion for unique and profitable vacation rentals in Nashville, TN, and helping investors succeed.

That's why I've created the only database for Nashville short term rentals for sale.

I love helping brave investors create passive income and avoid costly mistakes.

I also help owners and management companies by responding to urgent situations, and other STR specific tasks.